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Healthy Rainbow Gummy Stars

I have been making my family Fruit Gummy Bears for years now, not only because they are a natural energy pick-me-up after school, but because they are great source of protein, good for gut health and assist with recovery for bones, joints and muscles after sport or play.

It was only after I read this article that it occurred to me that I could also be boosting nutrition with the added benefit of sneaking in veggies.

Would you believe the kids loved the green veggie ones the best?!

1 cup boiling water

½ cup gelatine powder (I prefer Great Lakes brand from health food store)

½ cup fruit or veggie juice*

½ cup sweeter of choice (rapadura sugar, coconut sugar, maple syrup, honey, sugar)

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

*If you’re short on time, you can use orange juice from the supermarket but I wanted the added benefit of fibre and decided to juice my own in a blender. Simply place a handful of fruit or veg in a blender with 2-3 Tablespoons of water and blitz into a liquid. You want about ½ a cup of runny liquid puree.

1. Sprinkle gelatin over hot water in a heatproof jug, whisk with a fork until gelatin is dissolved.

2. Place fruit/veg juice and sweeter in a pot over low heat stirring until sugar is dissolved.

3. Add gelatin and vanilla to the sugar/juice mix and stir to combine.

4. Pour into fun moulds and allow them to set for about 2 hours in the fridge.

5. Store in airtight container in the fridge for 2 weeks (they are also freezable)

To get the rainbow colours I used these fruit and veggies combinations

Green – spinach leaves, cucumber and squeeze of lime juice

Red – raspberries, strawberries and beetroot

Orange – mango and passionfruit

Purple – blueberries and purple grapes

Why not try; kiwi, carrot, watermelon, lemon, lime, pear, red apples (pineapple will not set)

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